
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kissy Kissy

I know it's a lot of pictures of Claire... but seriously! I mean, with a pucker like that how could I not post all of them? And did you see that sweet little wrinkled nose? Oh my.
Oh and in the latest news... She has a tooth! Just one pearly white (sharp!) tooth.
And now folks, I'm off to kiss my baby!


  1. those eyes!!! oh, she is a cutie!!!!!!!!!
    ahhhh...yes, we are so wanting another little one....I am still nursing as well, and have no plans of stopping until he is good and ready...he LOVES it. I mean, he really loves it. :)
    I have some reason to believe that my menses are returning.....I think we are now in the mindset of getting ready to do the whole infant rearing process again!
    be well....and hugs to your little ones!

  2. Hi! I just saw your post on the vintage sewing pattern flowers... what a wonderful idea!
    So glad I popped over from "Skip To My Lou"

  3. ps. Your sweet wee one is adorable :o)


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