
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

craftiness of late

A cuddly first Waldorf inspired doll for a soon to arrive baby. (A friend's soon to arrive baby... ! Goodness people, my little Emmett is only 6 months old, it's much too soon for us to be having another baby! Seriously! ;-)

And a cute "owlie" car seat cover for the same eagerly anticipated baby. I made up the pattern because I couldn't find a pattern or a tutorial online that was exactly what I had in mind when I set out to make it... All in all, I think it turned out pretty cute. I even made the buttons. The holes in the buttons are off-center and a bit wonky, but we'll just say that it adds to the handmade charm, right? *rolling eyes* I'm sure their wonkiness had nothing to do with the fact that I seem incapable of drilling four tiny holes in a perfect square...  We'll go with the charming handmade description!

linking up with Nicole at  Frontier Dreams {Keep Calm, Craft On}
And with Linda at Natural Suburbia {Creative Friday}


  1. Nice doll.
    And what a big boy is your son Emmett.
    It is nice to see.

  2. That doll is adorable. Did you design it or is it from a pattern? I would love to make one for my 7 month old as a lovey!! And the carseat cover is awesome. I love the flap.

  3. Hi Gonny! Thank you. Emmett is getting big isn't he?

    Hi Kristi,
    Thanks! I designed the doll, I've designed all of the dolls (and wooden toys) I've made myself. I keep saying that as soon as I get a free moment one of these days I'll stock an etsy shop... yeah, one of these days...ha!

  4. What a sweet little doll! And the frabic for that car seat cover it TOO sweet! Lovely!

  5. Oh I love, lvoe , love the doll! And I say YES handmade charm, indeed. Someone once told me only the creator is perfect. I try to remind myself that every time I am critical of my work. It works most of the time :)
    Thanks for joining KCCO again. Always so happy to 'see' you.

  6. Hee hee, I always say the same thing about handmade charm when things aren't quite how I wanted - but I do think it is true as well :-) And the buttons are lovely.

    The baby doll is also so sweet and cuddly looking, I am going to try one for my little girl soon for her 1st birthday that is coming up in June (1st birthday eek!). Time flies :-)

  7. I love that baby doll.. maybe something I need to make for little one due in less than three months...
    Here is what I worked on this week..

  8. You make such neat things. I LOVE that carseat cover and your dolls are amazing. :) Do you sell them?

  9. Thanks Nikki! Once we get moved (in August) and settled in to the new house a bit I plan on making several dolls for sale before Christmas time as well as taking 2 or possibly 3 orders for larger custom dolls, before the Holiday season as well.


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